BAFRA Newsflash

Issue: 03/15

13th February 2015


To our new Members

The Convention is open to all BAFRA members and entrance is free. It’s a great opportunity to meet Officials from all over the UK and please be assured you will be made very welcome. You will also gain considerably from the presentations and Break-out sessions we have arranged. If you need any additional information please contact me directly or talk to your trainer or local officials. Also, lunch and the evening meal on the Saturday are also free of charge. We are making every effort to make the Convention as accessible as possible to all our members so why not come along. You won’t regret it.

72 and counting

The following 72 members have booked their places at the Convention. If you are not listed it may be because you have only recently confirmed your place in the last couple of days. An updated list will be issued next week.

S Alger, M Allen, S Bernardi, S Blake, J Briggs, A Brookes, J Brookes-Lewis, R Brown, J Burns, D Burridge, A Cockerill, M Cockerill, G Coleman, L Connor, I Davies, R Davis, S Egan, D Froom, Mt Gibson, Muz Gibson, K Glover, R Goodgroves, R Grace, J Graveling, J Griffin, B Griffiths, G Hedges, D Hewitt, R Hill, D Holt, H Horner, B Jacquin, C Jarvis, L Johnson, D Knight, A Lambert, B LeMonnier, T Lindeman, J Mead, J Meredith, A Miller, A Murrell, T Newsham, T Ockendon, P Ogden, F Oldfield, C Olsson, D Parsons, P Parsons, E Paterson, A Pickles, R Prattley, M Prentice, S Quick, H Richardson, S Sombati, K Stanton, D Sterling, P Sutton, L Taylor, P Thom, F Thomson, S Tonkinson, R Vernon, D Welsh, S Welsh, A Wilson, M Wilson, L Wood, D Wright, B Yates and S Young.Let’s Get Registered

If you are not taking advantage of the excellent accommodation rates available at Yarnfield Park Training & Conference Centre you still need to register to attend the Convention. To register please contact Charles Young at Full details of the Convention and accommodation rates can be found at the following link


Payment for Convention rooms are due by 1st March, and cheques should be made payable to BAFRA Ltd and sent to Charles Young at 8 Shaw Square, Earby, Barnoldswick, Lancashire, BB18 6SF. Cheques may not be cashed till this date.

If you wish to pay out of game fees please let know. If paying electronically please quote booking reference and name and use the account numbered 10255350, sort code 16-16-11, BAFRA Ltd, RBS, Cheetham Hill, Manchester. Please let us know by email if you use this method to

Davie Parsons


Last week I requested volunteers to come forward to assist with this series of 5 v 5 tournaments. I am pleased to report a number of officials did come forward however we still need more of you to assist at these events which start this Saturday. Contact me if you can work any of these events

The Sapphire Series is the national championship for women’s contact football. The series, which comprises of 3 Rounds, (14th February, 28th February, 14th March) sees teams compete across a number of tournaments in the 5 v 5 format.

Officials are needed to cover these tournaments; a game fee will be paid for covering these events. 3 Team Tournaments require only 2 officials; all other tournaments will need 4 officials. Officials who officiated the Opal Series last year are asked to provide their valuable experience but I also encourage newer officials to try to officiate at one of these events as it will help develop confidence, as you will be making plenty of calls.

Here are the latest tournament details:

ROUND 1 - 14th February (all these are confirmed and start at 1300)

Edinburgh Tournament (3 teams)

Venue: Queensferry Rugby Football Club, 30 Ashburnham Road, South Queensferry, City of Edinburgh EH30 9JN

Derby Tournament (4 teams)

Venue: University of Derby, Kedleston Road, DE22 1GB

Royal Holloway Tournament (5 teams)

Venue: Sports Centre, Royal Holloway University, Egham Hill, Egham TW20 0EX

ROUND 2 - 28th February

Teesside Tournament (1230 start)

Venue: Stockton Riverside College, Bede College Sports Centre, Marsh House Avenue, Billingham TS23 3HB

Manchester Tournament (1230 start)

Venue: AJ Bell Stadium, Stadium Way, Eccles M30 7WH

Hertfordshire Tournament (1300 start)

Venue: Herts Sports Village, de Havilland Campus, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield AL10 9EU

ROUND 3 – 14th March

Details yet to be confirmed although venues will be Leeds, Sandwell and Hatfield (2nd tournament)

Let me know by email if you can cover any of these events. Should you require any additional information I will be pleased to assist.

Richard Vernon


We have a heavy schedule of games on this date and an unusually large number of officials are showing unavailable on Arbiter (Over 40). Clearly we want to cover as many of these games as possible so please let us know immediately, if you are showing unavailable but are now able to do a game on this date.

Your assistance is much appreciated

Richard Vernon


The Annual General Meeting of BAFRA Limited will be held at 5:00pm on 28th March 2015 at Yarnfield Park Training & Conference Centre, Yarnfield, Stone, Staffordshire ST15 0NL as part of the Convention. All members are invited to attend. As always a proportion of the Director posts are up for election. This year they are: Director of Finance, Director of Operations, Director of Recruitment and Director without Portfolio #2. In the case of the Director of Operations and the Director without Portfolio #2, the present incumbents have indicated that they will seek re-election to those posts. However, both the current Director of Finance and the current Director of Recruitment have indicated their intention to stand down when their term of office expires at the AGM.

As always, the Directors encourage qualified members to put themselves forward for election to all posts, but in particular this year to the posts of Directors of Finance and Recruitment which will otherwise fall vacant. Any qualified member considering standing for one of the above posts and wishes to know more information about what it entails should contact me or, should they so wish, any other director.

From next week’s Newsflash I will publish a list of nominations received for each vacancy. Papers for the AGM will be sent to all members by 7th March 2015. Proxy voting applications for qualified members unable to attend the AGM will be sent by the same date

Paul Sutton


The Directors again invite members to nominate a charity for BAFRA members to support in 2015. Any member wishing to nominate a charity should send their suggestion to me by 28th February.

Paul Sutton


Congratulations to John Burns on completing all of the requirements necessary to become Qualified. Thanks to all those who are helping with John‘s training.

Pete Thom









New this week – none

Previous weeks – none





New this week

Teeside Cougars

The Field markings were very faint and the hash marks were difficult to locate at times due to the faintness and the low angle of the sun which made seeing the lines impossible from the sidelines. 90 yard field with no goal posts. The chain crew kept on moving without instruction. The game score did not reflect the quality of the game from both sides

Roy Davies #44


Huddersfield Hawks

Not all 5 yard lines were 5 yards apart, not all short yardage extension lines were 1 yard apart. There were no nine yard marks or numbers. There was no coaching or team area markings. The field was marked in yellow which was very faint and difficult to see in the low sun. There were no goals, both coaches agreed to play without goals. The changing rooms were not lockable, there was only sufficient seating for 3 officials and they were shared with local soccer officials. The home team only provided one ball-person. The game balls and officials assistants were only provided after the scheduled kickoff time.

Ben Griffiths #228


Southampton Stags

The goal posts are attached to the fence surrounding the field and are therefore not in the plane of the end line. The soccer field sideline is used as the team area line and is not quite at 12 feet from the sideline. Southampton played in white shirts with red trim. Solent played in red shirts with white trim.

Jim Briggs #31



KO delayed by 10 mins for late arrival of medical cover. Both posts had one upright that was rather wonky. By BAFA rule, the away teams jerseys were illegal (as reported in previous newsflash report), and when questioned the officials were told that the jerseys were "approved by BUCS". Chain crew were slow in the first half, but were greatly improved after half time (even with the late return of one of the stake holders)

John Roberts #145


BNU Buccaneers

Field marked out in metres instead of yards. The designated 5 metre line was used as the goal line meaning an 80 metre playing area. The chain was definitive in deciding close yardage plays.

Lee Mills #70

15/02/15 v Chichester

Imperial Immortals

Field markings considerably improved, in yellow with rugby markings in white. Rugby markings approximated for 9-yard marks and coaching line; all other markings with the exception of team area lines and limit lines were present and correct.

Tim Ockendon #481

22/02/15 v Bath Killer Bees

Portsmouth Destroyers

Field is marked in yellow which made all lines hard to see in the low sun from one side of the field. No 9 yard marks and no 3 yard marks.

David Knight #135


Outstanding items from previous weeks

MMU Eagles

The field was initially marked as 100 yards with approximately 3 yard endzones, therefore the home team had set up the 5 yard lines to be used as the goal lines leaving a 90 yard field with 8 yard end-zones. There were no 3 yard marks. Not all 5 yard lines were exactly 5 yards apart and not all sideline short yardage extension marks lined up with their counterparts at the inbounds lines. No team areas or coaching lines marked. The changing rooms were not secured.

Prior to the game it was observed by the officials that the visiting team (Manchester Tyrants) Jersey’s were illegal under rule 1-4-4-c-3, the front numerals were approximately only 3 to 4 inches high as they had a large University of Manchester logo where the numeral would normally go. The rear numerals were correctly sized. The home team (MMU Eagles) also spotted this and queried their legality with the officials. I stated that they were correct in that the jersey’s were illegal and that they would be reported but the game would be played. The Manchester Tyrants coach was informed that his teams Jersey’s were illegal and he was advised to address the issue for subsequent games.

During the game it was observed that if any players of the home team (MMU Eagles) under approximately 6 foot tall had tucked in their Jerseys, then there Jerseys would also have become illegal. While the numerals were the correct height, they were very low down the Jersey and tucking the Jerseys in would have caused the number to be obscured and no longer visible.

Ben Griffiths #228

15/02/15 v LJM Fury

KCL Regents

Kings' first game at Guys Hospital Athletic Ground. 80 Yard field marked in red. No coaches box or team areas marked out. Size of team areas marked with cones at each 25 yard line. No limit lines. Numbers and NCAA hashmarks present. Changing room very nice but lacks a private toilet facility.

Lee Mills #70

15/02/15 v Royal Holloway Bears

DMU Falcons

One end zone barely 7 yards, other only 5 so all plays towards 7 yards end zone. Field only 80 yards. 5 yard lines present but not particularly straight and complete to sidelines. No hash marks, no marked coaching or team areas, no 3 yard marks. No ball persons provided.

Steve Quick #186

15/02/15 v Warwick Wolves

Leeds Celtics

The 5 yard lines were not always 5 yards apart. Team areas marked between 20 yard lines. Prior to the game it was discovered that the provided medical cover was two technicians and an ambulance; which was insufficient. One of the visiting team assistant coaches had the appropriate medical qualification to meet rule 13-1-1 and upon his inspection of the equipment provided by the ambulance technicians he agreed to act as medical cover. Resolving this delayed kick-off by 5 minutes.

Ben Griffiths #228

22/02/15 v Bradford Bears

Chichester Spitfires

90 yard field with 7 yard end zones. No 9-yard marks and the (very small) numbers were only 5 yards from the sideline. Some of the hash marks were more than 1 yard apart. No team area or coaching box markings. With the agreement of both teams, the game kicked off 30 minutes EARLY because the preceding rugby match was cancelled. Excellent changing rooms.

Jim Briggs

22/02/15 v Southampton Stags

Solent Redhawks

Referees changed in a large changing room and then had to move belongings prior to the game to an English Football referees style changing room that was only big enough for 3 people - this room was used at half time and after the game and was not big enough for the size of the crew - Field markings were poor on the side lines and were very faint - middle hash marks were better as they had only just been repainted - plane of the cross bar is not on the end line but over hangs the endzone - endzones are only 9 yards deep. Game held up for 6 minutes whilst medical staff attended an injured Chichester player. As this happened with 7 seconds left in the first half with Solent in possession of the ball and closed to scoring, the elected to take the 10 second subtraction for the injured player and half time was declared. Player continued to receive medical treatment on the field during half time.

David Knight #135

15/02/14 v Bournemouth Bobcats

Canterbury Chargers

No team areas or coaching areas present. Interior and sideline hashes were incomplete. No numbers or 9 yard marks. No PAT mark at 3 yard line. Chain crew and ball boys supplied very close to kickoff time, there was also 1 change to the chain crew in the 2nd half. All 3 game balls were supplied by away team.

Phil Clarke #262

15/02/15 v OBU Panthers

UWE Bullets

Inbounds lines less than 60 feet from sidelines. No numbers or marks on field. Sideline numbers and pylons not brought out until kick off time. Game management stated this was because of a late finishing soccer game. Ball boys not provided until kick off. One ball had a slow puncture and therefore one was provided by the visiting team. Otherwise, a good hard fought game between two local teams.

Mike LeFevre #341

22/02/15 v Exeter Demons

Brunel Burners

No numbers or nine yard marks, NFL Hashmarks. 5 balls presented 2 selected and used after inflation to correct level. Change of chain crew.

Martin Cockerill #345

22/02/15 v LSBU Spartans

Keele Crusaders

Game played at Staffordshire University even though it was officially Keele's home game. Only one set of goal posts so all drives went one way. Only 2 legal balls were provided by Keele but Staffordshire had 3 better-quality balls so the teams agreed to use them instead. No ball persons were provided by Keele. Field was also too narrow.

Aminul Hussan #534

01/03/15 v MMU Eagles

Derby Braves

There were no 5 yards lines, only 10 yard lines. There was only one goal so all offensive plays took place towards that goal. The only goal was too wide (it appeared to be roughly correct for an NFHS game). One end zone was only 6 yards in length; however no offensive plays took place towards that end zone. No 9 yard marks or numbers. No team areas or coaching lines marked. The third member of the chain crew was only provided a couple of minutes before kick-off so the game kicked off 1 minute late while they were briefed. Changing rooms were not lockable (there was also no showering facilities available for the officials)

22/02/15 v Sheffield

Lincoln Colonials

The field is marked in red and is 80 yards with 2 x 8 yard endzones. The following lines are missing: Team/Coaching box lines at 25 yard lines, limit lines, 9 yard marks.

There are only one set of Goal Posts which consist of 2 drain pipes tethered to a set of football goal posts. The Changing Rooms are not lockable and is too small for 4 persons and is full of old rugby boots and other equipment. Both teams only have one set of shirts which are very close in colour but the home team shirts have white No's with different coloured Helmets so there was just enough difference for the game to proceed. The Down Box is only 4' high and is very difficult to see.

Chris Jarvis #10

15/02/15 v York Centurions

Warwick Wolves

The kick off was delayed by 15 minutes waiting for Warwick to supply a team roster form

22/02/15 v Northampton

Westminster Dragons

80 Yard field with NFL style hash marks running right through the length of each end zone. Officials changing room was filled with weights and training equipment

15/02/15 v LSBU

Kent Falcons

Played at Park Wood field. 90-yard grass field with markings in red, visibility of which stood up well under difficult conditions. Numbers incorrectly positioned. No 9-yard marks, team areas or limit lines. Game balls provided were all under-inflated but this was rectified by game management prior to kickoff. Excellent job done by the ball persons to keep the game balls dry enough to be playable under difficult conditions.

Tim Ockendon #481

22/02/15 v Cambridge Pythons

Durham Saints

No team area or coaching box. No 3 yard mark. Assistants were not provided until just after scheduled kick off time. Medical cover was also delayed due to congestion on the A1 Northbound near Catterick. Changing room did not have private shower or toilet but had plenty of coat hooks. Upon returning to the changing room after the game, it became apparent that the changing room was not only for us and we were sharing with two hockey umpires. They were nice chaps so this wasn't an issue.

Dan Holt #371

15/02/15 v Loughborough Aces

Greenwich Mariners

Greenwich Mariners only had 13 players at the venue, so a decision was taken by their head coach to abandon the game 40 minutes before the scheduled kick-off time. RHUL coaching staff were informed of this decision by the Greenwich coaching staff, and the officials were also notified at that time that the game was not going ahead.

22/02/15 v Kings College

Leeds Becket

Field is 80 yards with 9 yard endzones. No team areas marked. No hash marks on either sideline. No 3 yard mark. Ball persons changed a number of times during the game.

John Roberts #145

15/02/15 v Hull Sharks



New this week

Play: A's ball, 1st and 10, on B's 35. A86 just legally recovered a punt on B's 35 that was muffed by B23. The referee marks the ball ready for play and Team B is still huddled on the sideline with Team A about to snap the ball. The referee signals timeout. Ruling?

Last week

Play: A's ball, 3rd and 2, on B's 8. The score is tied with ten seconds remaining in the 4th quarter. A23 advances to B's 7 where he is downed. B76 is offside. Two seconds remain on the clock. Clock?

Ruling: A's ball, 1st and goal, on B's 4. The clock starts on the ready for play, since the clock was stopped to complete a penalty.


New this week

Game Situation: Player A34 is in position to catch a forward pass near the sideline. He jumps to catch the ball and comes down with it either in or out of bounds. How should a covering wing official watch the play in order to ensure the best possible coverage of the action? (4 man crew)
Answer next issue...

Last week

Play: Upon arrival at the ground, the officials note that there are only goal posts at one end of the field. How should the game proceed?
Answer: Team B shall defend the end where the goal is on all lays from scrimmage. On all free kick plays, Team A shall defend the end of the field where the goal is situated. At the end of the 1st and 3rd quarters, there shall be no changes of ends. (1-2-5-f)




Contact for details


March 28th & 29th

BAFRA Annual Convention

BAFRA Directors


David Parsons

General Secretary

Paul Sutton


Andrew Lovell


Richard Vernon


James Meredith


Pete Thom

Director without Portfolio #1

Martin Cockerill

Director without Portfolio #2

Steve Tonkinson

The opinions expressed in this Newsflash are those of the contributors, and not necessarily of BAFRA or its Directors.

All Incident Reports to be submitted via

Deadline for articles submitted by email ( is midnight Tuesday.

Editor: Dean Wright - Email: