British American Football Referees Association

Health and Safety policy

The British American Football Referees Association Ltd (BAFRA) recognises its duties under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and related legislation for the Health and Safety of its members, members of the public and others who may be affected by the Company's operations. It will provide safe systems of work, adequate finance, instruction, information and training for members to ensure their Health and Safety.

The Company shall ensure that members are competent in undertaking work on its behalf in the Management of Health and Safety.

The Company's commitment to Safety is equally as important as its commitment to the quality of officiating and the provision of neutral officials.

All Directors of the Company are required to be aware of their individual responsibilities for implementation of the Health and Safety policy.

It is the duty of all members to co-operate with BAFRA and its Directors in implementing the policy and doing everything they can to avoid injury to themselves and others.

BAFRA will ensure as far as is reasonably practicable the Health, Safety and Welfare of all members, by: -

  • Providing satisfactory measures for the participation of members in the development of measures to promote and maintain good health, safety and welfare practices.
  • Providing and communicating guidance to its members in relation to their obligations under Health and Safety.
  • Providing a systematic approach to identifying hazards and allocation of resources to control them.
  • Identifying and assessing Health and Safety risks arising from our activities, providing adequate control measures and reviews accordingly to maintain a safe and healthy working environment.
  • Providing support for high standards of communication, training and continuing professional development for its members or contractors.
  • Reviewing and revising the policy as necessary and at regular intervals and in any case to be reviewed annually by the Executive Board.

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American Football Referees

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for teams is available

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LATEST NEWSFLASH #01 16th January 2025
  • BAFRA Awards